Johanna Green
Health & Fitness Team
Meet the Johanna Green Health & Fitness Team
Meet The Johanna Green Health & Fitness Team

Johanna Green
Outdoor Fitness Classes, Group & Personal Trainer and Founder
Johanna is a highly qualified health, fitness & lifestyle coach and personal trainer who has worked in a range of health & fitness promoting settings for over 30 years, working with clients of all levels of fitness and ability, including pre- and post-natal women. She has been running JGHF, which specialises in outdoor health & fitness since 2008.
Johanna specialises particularly in ante/pre- and post-natal exercise, nutrition and injury rehabilitation as well as prevention of injury and other health ailments (Pre-Habilitation!); collaborating closely with local Physiotherapists, Massage therapists, Osteopaths and other health professionals.
Training & qualifications
- 1986 BAWLA Leaders Certificate
- 1986 Trampoline Club Coach certificate
- 1987 B.Sc. (Hons) Sports Science Degree
- 1990 Look After Your Heart/Look After Yourself (LAYH/LAY) Tutor (HEA)
- 1993 LAYH/LAY Workplace Tutor
- 1995-1996 PGCE in Physical Education (PE)
- Level 1 Instructor in Badminton, Tennis, Powerboating, Rugby, Netball, Hockey, Basketball, BAGA Gymnastic Coach
- Sports Leaders UK Basic Expedition Leaders Award
- 2002-2005 YMCA Fitness Industry Training Tutor course. Tutor and Assessor. Gym Instructor, Circuit, and Client Appraisal courses.
- 2002 to 2004 Other YMCA Qualifications.:-Level 3 Ante and Post Natal Exercise. Nutrition. Client Appraisal. Exercise and Mental Health.
- 2004 D32/D33 Qualified Assessor
- 2007 Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner
- 2012 Nordic Walking Instructor
- 2013 FitSteps (Dance class) Instructor
- 2013 Safeguarding and Protecting children certificate

Sunny Skorik
Outdoor Fitness Classes, Group & Personal Trainer
Sunny believes that a functional range and conditioning training combined with right nutrition are the key factors to balanced and healthy lifestyle. Her combination of skills as a specialist in physical movement and a personal trainer give her excellent ability and insight when designing an effective training programme for sport, physique change and rehabilitation.

Alexi Burns
Outdoor Fitness Classes, Group & Personal Trainer
Alexi is a passionate and energetic individual who has always been dedicated to health and fitness. Training for three years as a dancer and performing artist prior to becoming a personal trainer, Alexi understands the continual stresses placed on the body through a hectic lifestyle and intensive training regime.
Specializing in strength conditioning, weight loss, functional training and flexibility, Alexi takes a holistic approach to lifestyle and encourages well rounded training regimes which lead to a significantly improved quality of life.
Alexi will provide a fun and stimulating work out that will leave you feeling invigorated.

Janet Biggs
Nordic Walking Classes Group Trainer
Since retiring from her work as a computer consultant 10 years ago, Janet has been very active in orienteering. She qualified as a level 2 coach in 2008 and a level C controller (the sports equivalent of a referee or umpire).
Her early sporting endeavours, before taking up orienteering, included hockey and netball. She has also ventured onto cricket pitches and has RYA certificates in sailing both dinghies and small yachts.
In recent years Janet has volunteered at a number of sporting events in London including the 2012 Olympics, the Tour de France in 2014 and the European Hockey Championships in 2015.
Janet was introduced to Nordic Walking whilst on holiday in Scotland. She attended a taster session and enjoyed the experience. When she returned home she discovered Johanna’s classes at Ally Pally in October 2012 and has been Nordic Walking ever since. In February 2013 Janet qualified as a Nordic Walking Community Instructor/Walk Leader and now helps Johanna.

Patricia Baresch
Nordic Walking Classes Group Trainer
I’d been interested in Nordic Walking for some time before I found Johanna’s session over 3 years ago. Her Tuesday evening session worked perfectly with my work schedule at the time.
I gave up my Primary school teaching job 18 months ago and decided to train as an instructor which I completed in spring 2015.
On a recent holiday my husband remarked on the more toned nature of calf muscles and derriere. Way to go!!!!

Robert Fancovic
Outdoor Fitness Classes, Group & Personal Trainer
Young Robert always loved all sports and he still does. Football, ice hockey, Martial arts, running and cycling…. He loved to chase cyclists in their lycra outfits on his pushbike (he will tell you his favourite story if you ask him nicely).
When he joined National service their fitness regime didn’t bother him.
This combination laid great foundation for understanding how important flexibility and stamina are as we get older.
Robert will very quickly pick up what can be holding you back and will always challenge you, safely, to achieve more without you knowing it with his ‘friendly, motivating and non-threatening approach.’
With his passion, experience and qualifications in running, he will help you to achieve your goals whether you just want to get started, get fitter, run10k, half marathon or full marathon or a Spartan race or Tough Mudder style challenge.
Robert’s philosophy is to help people to gain confidence in everyday life through fitness.
Outdoor Fitness Classes in North London: Try Before You Buy
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