Johanna Green
Discovery Walking Groups

Feel Fitter & Healthier While Exploring London’s Great Outdoors

Discovery Walking Groups in London & Further Afield

We are back outdoors again!

Join the Johanna Green Health & Fitness Team and the Discovery Walking Groups in London for something more than just a fitness session. Take a morning or a whole day out and join us on one of our Discovery Walks in one of London’s many green spaces. Enjoy exploring:

  • North London’s Great Outdoor Spaces
  • The Chilterns & The South Downs Ways
  • Walking On Midsummers Eve
  • Weekend Walking Away – French Pyrenees, The Peak District, Shropshire….

All About Our Discovery Walking Groups in London & Further Afield

Discovery Walking Groups In London

People Join the London Discovery Walking Group for all sorts of reasons, some to get fit, others to be shown new places, some in preparation for a walking holiday … however all of our Discovery Walking Group love to get outdoors.

The group attracts a wide range of people, some local to north London, some from further afield, typically aged mid 30’s up. Many join the group to escape ‘Indoor’ London at weekends but also to see some great scenery and meet likeminded people who also have an interest in the great outdoors.

Adventure Walking Groups in North London

Who comes to the Discovery Walking Groups?

We are a fun social group, many of the walkers also take the Nordic Walking Classes, though you don’t need to be a Nordic Walker to join the Discovery Walking Group.

Numbers vary but typically there are 12 to 15 people on any of the Discovery Walks.

The Discovery Walking Group Saturday Walk

A typical ‘One/half Day’ Discovery Walking Group, run approximately once every other month, will be taken by Johanna & the team to one of London’s many beautiful open outdoor spaces such as:

  • Alexandra Palace Park & Locality
  • Other North London open spaces: Hampstead, Highgate, Queens Wood and further afield

These ‘In London’ Discovery Walks are normally organised for a Saturday.

Distance vary from 7-15 miles (11-24km).

Difficulty of walk range from moderate to hard.

Starting times will vary depending on the expected length and difficulty of the walk.

Adventure Walking Groups in North London

Discovery Walking Group ‘Out of London’ walks

However we do organise Discovery Walking Group events that travel further afield, some recent walks have been:

  • The South Downs
  • The Coastal Path, The Seven Sisters, Seaford to Eastbourne
  • The South Downs Way, Lewes and surrounding areas

These ‘Out of London’ Discovery Walks are normally organised for a Saturday.

Distance vary from 10-15 miles (11-24km).

Difficulty of walk range from moderate to hard.

Starting times will vary depending on the location and travelling times to the intended destination.

Adventure Walking Groups Coastal Walk
Adventure Walking Groups Relaxed and happy

Walk into the Night!

Our traditional longer evening walk, Mid-Summers Eve Walk, on the Tuesday closest to 21st /22nd June, in local parks, food and drink afterwards in a local pub, Victoria Stakes, N10….

Adventure Walking Groups Relaxed and happy

Discovery Walking Weekend

Once a year the Discovery Walking Group have a ‘Walking Weekend’ and really stretch their legs, some past events saw the group venture to:

  • The French Pyrenees, near Lourdes
  • Dovedale, The Peak District….
  • Church Stretton, Shropshire….

These Discovery Walking Weekends are paid for separately and are not included in the regular ‘Programmes’.

Adventure Walking Groups in the Pyrenees
Adventure Walking Groups in the Pyrenees

What Else Do I Need To Know About The Discovery Walking Groups?

Johanna Green’s Discovery Walking Group welcomes people of all fitness and experience levels, we design the walks to be accessible whether you are relatively new to Discovery Walking or you have been trekking and hiking all of your life. We do ask that you are a regular ‘walker’ so that you are able to keep up with the group. Have a chat with Johanna if you are unsure.

Having said that there are a few necessities when it comes to going out for a few hours walking,

From a comfort and safety point of view it is really important to make sure you have the right clothing and equipment so that you are safe and enjoy the experience.

The Discovery Walks are part of the formal class timetables (excluding the ‘Discovery Weekend Walks’) but we do ask that you formally register for any of the Discovery Walking Groups walks so that we know who to expect and who to contact should there be a need to do so.

Longer Walks are not generally suited to the very young. However, in keeping with the Family Boot Camp, and due to popular demand, Johanna does plan to incorporate some Family Discovery Walks into the Programme.

Finding Out More About Discovery Walking Groups

The best way to keep informed about new events is to sign up to our Newsletter and tick the ‘Nordic Walking/ Discovery Walking’ option Email list.

Sign Up Now!

We will keep you informed of the next Discovery Walking Group walks and walking weekend events:

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