Johanna Green
Questions & Answers About Classes
What Is Nordic Walking? What is Bootcamp? And Other FAQs
Have a Question About Outdoor Fitness Classes?
Can I really get a full workout outdoors?
What is an Outdoor Fitness Bootcamp Workout?
What is a Nordic Walking Class?
Where do the Outdoor Bootcamp Classes take place?
Some benefits of Outdoor Fitness Classes over the Gym?
Can I try your classes first then join?
I'm not sure of my fitness level, can you advise me?
I'm a complete beginner, will your classes be too hard?
Outdoors! What if it's raining or snowing?
What should I wear? Do I need to bring anything?
Find out more about programmes, prices & options
Have a Question About Outdoor Bootcamp Fitness Classes?
What is a Bootcamp Fitness Class
Am I fit enough to join a Bootcamp Fitness Class?
Do you order people around and shout instructions?
Where do the Outdoor Bootcamp Classes take place?
What should I wear to a Bootcamp class?
What should I bring to a Bootcamp class?
- A bottle of water
- A towel
- Suncream in the summer
- An extra layer in the winter
- Enthusiasm
Will the class run if it is raining or snowing?
Do you run the classes throughout the year?
I'm pregnant / just had a baby ... can I still come?
What are the Health Benefits of Bootcamp over Running?
- You don't get a sunrise or a sunset in the gym?
- Fresh air not aircon
- As much space as you need
- Enjoy the great outdoors
- making it an everyday routine
I have an injury / I am recovering from an injury?
Who goes to the Bootcamp Classes
Find out more about programmes, prices & options
Have a Question About Nordic Walking Classes?
What is Nordic Walking
It’s walking with 4 legs! Originating from cross country skiing in Finland
Nordic Walking originated in Finland, this enhanced total body version of ordinary walking is easy on the joints so can be enjoyed by everyone regardless of age or fitness level. Nordic Walking is a great health-promoting activity, using around 25% more calories than regular walking, and is great for increasing energy, fitness, toning up and a improving your sense of wellbeing. Nordic Walking uses poles in order to add two major benefits to walking:
- The use of poles means the upper body muscles are used as well as the legs
- The poles help to propel the walker along – this means you work harder than usual yet the support given by the poles makes it feel easier!
Why do you use ‘poles’/’sticks’ ?
Because poles are used in cross country skiing (where Nordic Walking originated from). You can walk faster, and therefore increase your fitness, and it exercises the whole body….. Nordic Walking uses poles in order to add two major benefits to walking:
- The use of poles means the upper body muscles are used as well as the legs
- The poles help to propel the walker along – this means you can walk faster, working harder than usual, therefore, increasing your fitness/stamina, yet the support given by the poles makes it feel easier! And it is easier on the joints!
Is Nordic walking a good exercise for me ?
If it is something you enjoy and therefore, you will do it regularly, then yes, very good exercise for you, as you will reap the fitness benefits. If you want to improve your fitness/stamina, with a low impact exercise (you need to be gentle on your joints), then yes, very good exercise for you. You are encouraged to walk at your own pace which is good for you to develop your fitness safely and more effectively. See the ‘benefits of Nordic Walking’ It’s health and fitness benefits include:-
- Low impact – kind to knees, back & joints
- Total body workout – exercises arms, shoulders, core, legs and hips, heart & Lungs
- Improves posture
- Trims, tones and strengthens
- Boosts energy and increases stamina
- Improves hip and back mobility
- Burns 46% more calories than ordinary walking
- Reduces stress levels & lifts your mood
- It is outdoors, or ‘green exercise’, therefore increases well-being, Vitamin D and more vital health boosting opportunities….
This enhanced total body version of ordinary walking is easy on the joints so can be enjoyed by anyone who wants, or needs, a low impact exercise to improve their cardiovascular fitness/stamina; to get fitter without having to jog, or to improve strength and stamina for a walking holiday, or to tone and strengthen arms and core muscles (stomach, back, shoulders and hips) without having to go to the gym…. Nordic Walking is a great health-promoting activity, using around 46% more calories than regular walking, and is great for increasing energy, fitness, toning up and improving your sense of wellbeing.
What are the benefits of Nordic Walking ?
- Low impact – kind to knees, back & joints
- Total body workout – exercises arms, shoulders, core, legs and hips, heart & Lungs
- Improves posture
- Trims, tones and strengthens
- Boosts energy and increases stamina
- Improves hip and back mobility
- Burns 46% more calories than ordinary walking
- Reduces stress levels & lifts your mood
- It is outdoors, or ‘green exercise’, therefore increases well-being, Vitamin D and more vital health boosting opportunities….
What is a Nordic Walking Class ?
You walk using poles. The Free Taster Class and Technique classes cover a variety of techniques which teach you to use more muscle groups, increasing the intensity and your walking speed, to improve overall body tone, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and stamina.
Outdoors! What if it's raining, snowing or blazing sunshine ?
I don’t want to hold the group up, or have to try and keep up !
I don’t have any poles, can I borrow some ?
Yes, book your place and poles.
I have trekking poles, shall I bring them ?
Can I do the class if I am pregnant ?
Can I do the classes if I have just had a baby ?
Who goes to the Nordic Walking Classes ?
Do I need to learn Nordic Walking technique before I join a class ?
It is best to come to a specific ‘Nordic Walking Taster Class’ first before joining one of the regular weekly classes. Nordic Walking technique is best learnt correctly if you are to get the most out of the activity – the full technique that ensures the whole body works efficiently is only taught by qualified instructors. Come along to a Nordic Walking Free Taster and Technique Classes to find out more