Johanna Green
London’s Outdoor Fitness
Classes & Walking Groups
Group Exercise Information & Booking Form
Thank you for completing this form accurately and considering the guidance which I hope you will find useful. If you have any questions, please ask.
Please return, at the latest, by the day before your Taster Class starts or bring a hard signed copy with you to your first class.
- Complete the form on this page
- Click ‘Submit‘ once you have completed it.
- A copy of your completed form will be sent to the email address you give in this form, (please check you spam folder if you do not see it in your inbox)
- A copy will also be sent to Johanna Green.
If you would prefer to complete a Paper Form rather than complete this form on-line then please click the button and print the following form. Please bring the completed form with you on the day you attend your class.
Download Group Class Booking FormIf you are attending any class with a child e.g. Family Boot Camp then please print off and use the following form.
Download Family Class Booking FormSome Guidance & advice to help you get the most from your class
- Ensure you are well hydrated by drinking 2 liters of water per day taking care to limit intake of caffeine and alcohol.
- Ensure good nutrition.
- If you eat just before the exercise session, take on a small amount of an easily and quickly digested food for example a piece of fruit, or piece of toast/bread.
- Rain , snow, ice or shine, and whatever the temperature, the outdoor classes will happen!
Therefore bring layers of clothing with you to take off and put on as appropriate, as well as hat, scarf and gloves (winter). Use a waterproof/water resistant bag. If there is a chance we do get wet, arrange that you can put on some dry clothes as soon as possible after the session, and/or wear some waterproof clothing and clothing which sheds water, in the first instance.
In shine……, consider a hat, sun screen and sun glasses! Bring water.
For Boot Camp ideally bring resistance bands and a mat/ gardeners kneeling mat.
For Nordic Walking use a small ruck sack style bag (for your layers of clothing, water ….) as you require your hands and arms to be free moving and we are walking around the park.
- You will be advised on the intensity, technique and type of exercise to ensure safe and effective exercise, especially working to your own fitness level, motivation and ability.
- If applicable, bring/have to hand, relevant medication with you.
- When outdoors, between May (April, early morning and late evening) and October, use insect repellant to avoid getting bitten.
- Adhere to Government/NHS Public Health guidelines for yours and others safety at all times.
Classes/schedule and Locations
For class locations and current weekly and monthly schedule.
Boot Camp:
Meet for your first class 5-10 minutes before the start time.
To clarify exactly where to meet, discuss with Johanna (JGHF) /check the ‘current month’s schedule’ on the website page ‘Fitness classes Days and Times’ and ‘Locations’ page, (links above) as locations vary each month.
Nordic Walking:
Meet me 5-10 minutes before the start time, at 56 North View Road, N8 7LL for Taster classes and the regular Fitness Walks.
Online Classes:
Get onto the class 5-10 minutes before the start time. Contact JGHF for the Links and password, and set up details.
Please complete the form answering all the questions:
NB:This screening form does not in any way substitute for a medical examination. If the answer is ‘Yes’ to any of the above questions you may be required to consult your doctor before commencing this exercise programme.
I understand that the purpose of the assessment and exercise programme is to provide safe and effective exercise to improve fitness and wellbeing.
Also, that I am to exercise within my own limits.
Exercise may include: all exercises/Programmes can be adjusted to suit you:
Boot Camp:
Cardiovascular (CV) activities like walking, jogging, running, stepping, jumping, squatting, and lunging in a circuit training format.
Muscular strength and endurance (MSE) activities like lifting parts of your own body weight, pushing and pulling (for example, exercises using resistance bands, exercises with light weighted balls: squats, triceps dips, full or part press ups using the ground and benches)
Nordic Walking:
Walking, using poles, on the flat and up and down hills, at varying speeds/intensity/techniques.
Other exercises may be introduced.
Similar to Boot Camp with less/no walking or jogging; using resources you have in your exercise area/ home/ garden.
For all classes:
flexibility such as mobility exercises and stretches
The exercise programme is designed to place a gradually increasing workload on the CV and MSE systems and thereby improve its function.
The reaction of these physiological systems to such exercise can not always be predicted with complete accuracy.
Also, the outdoor environment is more variable and challenging; physical reactions to this can not always be predicted with complete accuracy.
Be aware of any Pandemic and/ or local Public Health issues/ guidelines/the like, which are to be observed/adhered to.
I understand that I am responsible for monitoring my own condition throughout the exercise programme and that should any unusual symptom occur, I will cease my participation and inform the trainer of the symptoms.
A programme of regular exercise has been shown to be beneficial. Some of these benefits include:
- Enhanced immune system
- Greater feeling of wellbeing
- Improved energy
- Improved confidence
- Used as a coping strategy for stress, depression, insomnia/a variety of mental health challenges
- Improved mobility
- Improved muscle tone, strength and posture
- Improve management of arthritis/ many other diseases and health complaints
- Improved blood pressure
- Decreased risk of heart disease/osteoporosis/diabetes
- Improved body fat %
Formal Declaration:
I declare to the best of my knowledge that I know of no reason why I should not participate in the ‘Alternative Boot Camp’/ Nordic Walking/Online exercise classes. I take part in any recommended activities and follow any advice given in the exercise classes at my own risk and waive any legal recourse for damages to myself or my property arising from my participation in the programme.
I have been made aware of and adhere to any Government/NHS/Public Health guidance/precautions and procedures for my own and others health and safety. ( ).
I realise that my body’s reaction to exercise is not totally predictable.
- I will exercise within my own limits.
- Should I develop a condition that affects my ability to exercise, I will inform the instructor immediately and stop exercising if necessary. I take full responsibility for monitoring my physical condition at all times.
- The onus is on me to inform the class instructor of my health and fitness status, and any changes, at the start of every class.
- I shall not rely on the information and advice offered by the personal trainer as a substitute for the professional medical advice of my doctor.
Data Protection
Any information you provide to us will be treated in the strictest confidence and held on record according to the standards set out in the Data Protection Act 1998 and General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) April 2016. Please read and sign the separate Data Privacy Notice/Client Consent Form.
Also check:- Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions
NOTE: You will be asked to sign a copy of the form (that you have just completed and which has now been sent to Johanna Green) BEFORE your first class. Johanna, or one of her team, will bring along the form for you to sign.
If you do not have your own Nordic Walking poles, please book, to ensure your place as there are limited sets of poles.
Call me with any questions on 07931 242 358
Thank you.
I look forward to meeting/seeing you